So, there are the children of Israel, wandering through the hot and desolate wilderness, not too long after more than 600,000 of them passed through the Red Sea on dry ground. They have seen Moses find fresh water for them once already, and then saw the Lord give them quail and manna to eat. Then, the next time they all get thirsty, these people come up to Moses and say "wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst... is the Lord among us, or not?"
I wager that most of us read this and think "man, they really were a bunch of whiners.." And perhaps that's true, although if I saw my wife and kids hot and dehydrated I'd be tempted not say angry things too. However, I suppose the moral of this story is that we should remember the miracles that we see. If we see at least one big miracle, we should "remember remember", and know that if God has shown us His mercy and power once, there is no reason why He won't do it again.

I wager that most of us read this and think "man, they really were a bunch of whiners.." And perhaps that's true, although if I saw my wife and kids hot and dehydrated I'd be tempted not say angry things too. However, I suppose the moral of this story is that we should remember the miracles that we see. If we see at least one big miracle, we should "remember remember", and know that if God has shown us His mercy and power once, there is no reason why He won't do it again.