Broomstick skirts; way cute, especially if they are white. I don't know why, but a girl wearing a broomstick skirt with matching flat soled shoes just makes me tick.
Slightly curly hair is way seductive. If she has curly hair naturally, the opposite is true; if she straitens it, way cute. Just switching it up once in a while is catchy.
Dancing. For some reason, I think that a moderate level of kinetic intelligence is way sexy. Secretly I watch girls just dance to music in their kitchens while doing dishes and think "they have no idea what they are doing".
If she can sing. Nothing too fancy, but if she can carry a tune well, major points. Maybe it's because music is so important and inpactful
if she is good with kids. If she can handle well a screaming child on the living room floor, kicking a writhing, major points. My mother only raised her voice when we needed it. I find that attractive in girls as well.
Moderate cooking abilities. I know this one isn't that important, but again, I'm impressed when a girl can cook.
Isn't afraid to challenge herself. It's impressive to see a girl who wants to challenge herself, that wants to educate herself and become somebody.
Most importantly, she takes the whole gospel package seriously. If the gospel and the Lord come before the guy they love, major major points.
Predictably, most of these attributes exist in my own mother. My older sister influences this list as well.
I hope that this has not come off as being extremely chauvinistic or sexist, It was just fun to think about. I know that girls are interested to know what guys find attractive, and I hope the reverse is true. I understand that its me that ought to be worrying about who I am.