Monday, May 9, 2011

Anat/phys and Microbio join forces...

       This Wednesday and Thursday will witness the first casualties of this little war of mine; both anat/phys and microbio have tests during those days.  I see that the enemy has been corresponding, and have agreed to launch their first waves of assault simultaneously, hoping to spread my defenses thin.  They don't know about my secret weapon, one that has saved me in times past.  I requires little more than a switch to turn on and runs of off pure grit; I call it "the 10:30 library blitz". 
      The 10:30 library blitz is a strategy adopted by the most elite academic infantry; it's pretty simple, just pack up your gear and some granola bars, and hit the library from about 6:00 to 10:30 in the evening.  Four and a half hours more of study.  That's some serious firepower. 
      Needless to say, I fully intend to implement this strategy this week.  Some solders think I'm crazy.  To them I say "alright, lets talk after the test..."

1 comment:

  1. You ROCK! You're going to beat the tar out of those tests!
